Teknologi Tenaga Air

Hidroelektrisitas telah menjadi kata kunci di dalam industri energi terbaru, menjanjikan listrik bebas emisi yang dihasilkan oleh kekuatan air bergerak. Baru-baru ini kemajuan dalam teknologi PLTA telah menghasilkan berbagai benda dengan desain bertenaga air.

James Bond-Style Water-Powered Jet Pack
Bayangkan terbang dengan gaya James Bond pake jet terikat di punggung kalian. Seorang pengusaha Jerman, Hermann Ramke, menciptakan JetLev-Flyer yang dapat terbang hingga ketinggian 50 kaki dengan kecepatan tertinggi 30mph dan dapat melakukan perjalanan hampir 200 mil sebelum harus diisi ulang.
Sebuah pompa apung berkekuatan 150 tenaga kuda 4-tak, mengirimkan air melalui selang panjang 140-kaki ke nozel sepasang jet yang dipasang di ransel yang dapat mengarahkan untuk bergerak maju dengan mantap dan terkendali.

Bedol Water-Powered Alarm Clock
Bawalah jam alarm AndA kemana saja dan jangan khawatir tentang bagaimana dengan baterainya? AndA hanya tinggal menggunakan sisa air dalam gelas di meja.
Anda hanya tinggal mengisi ulang tangki dengan air atau perasan air jeruk lemon, yang membuatnya tetap bekerja dengan lebih efisien. Jam ini bahkan memiliki fungsi memori yang menyimpan waktu saat kita mengisi ulang air, sehingga jam ini tidak perlu di-reset lagi.

Batteries Powered by Water – or Urine
NoPoPo - yang merupakan singkatan dari non polution power adalah sebuah merek baterai Jepang yang dapat dijalankan menggunakan hampir semua cairan, termasuk air seni.
Yang mungkin terdengar aneh, tapi dalam situasi darurat bila Anda tidak memiliki air untuk cadangan, bisa sangat berguna. Baterai ini tidak akan bertahan selamanya. Siklus hidup sekitar 3-5 kali charge dan mereka hanya tersedia di Jepang.

Water Powered Calculator
Tidak akan ada lagi saatnya kita kehabisan baterai kalkulator, gunakanlah kalkulator ini. Cara kerjanya sangat mudah, kita hanya perlu mengisikan air untuk membuatnya kembali bekerja.
Cairan akan melakukan kontak dengan sel bahan bakar di Air Powered Kalkulator, reaksi kimia antara seng anoda dengan katoda menghasilkan arus listrik yang menyediakan sumber energi yang baik bagi kalkulator. Sedikit air bisa tahan 1 bulan loh.

Nano-Tech Aqua Drop Puzzle
Siapa yang butuh teknologi tinggi bila Anda bisa menghabiskan berjam-jam bermain dengan air? The Nano-Tech Air Drop adalah Teka-teki ultra kedap air, memungkinkan agan untuk memanuver tetes air melalui maze.

Water Powered Car
Yang satu ini pasti kalian sudah pernah tahu. Ada perdebatan yang intens tentang apakah kendaraan bertenaga air benar-benar layak? Salah satu perusahaan Jepang memutuskan untuk membuktikan bahwa penentang itu salah.
Genepax, pengembang sebuah mobil bahan bakar air, membuat sebuah prototype mobil yang melaju dengan kecepatan sekitar 80km selama sekitar satu jam hanya dengan satu liter air.
Mobil Genepax berbeda dari Stan Meyer's water-powered dune buggy, karena menggunakan elektron hidrogen dari air untuk menghasilkan listrik, sementara mesin memiliki on-board oksigen generator yang digerakkan mesin pembakaran internal.

Mini Hydro Turbine Gadget Charger
Mini Hydro Turbine, sebuah konsep desain oleh Jin Woo Han. Generator mini berputar, yang secara teoritis dapat memberikan daya yang cukup untuk mengisi energi sebuah sikat gigi atau alat cukur listrik. Sangat ekonomis karena Anda hanya tinggal menggunakan air untuk menjalankannya.

Water Powered Cell Phone
Ponsel bertenaga air terdengar seperti sesuatu yang datang dari masa depan, tetapi ini bisa tersedia di tahun 2010. Samsung telah berhasil mengembangkan sel bahan bakar mikro dan hidrogen generator berkekuatan air.
Air dan logam bereaksi setiap kali telepon ini diaktifkan, menghasilkan gas hidrogen yang bereaksi dengan hidrogen di udara untuk menciptakan energi. Setiap mikro-sel bahan bakar memproduksi hingga 3 watt listrik, sehingga dapat menyalakan handphone hingga 10 jam.

Wash Your Electric Car and Power it, Too
Teknologi ini menggunakan POWA generator air, yang menggunakan tenaga air untuk menghasilkan listrik. Sebuah turbin kecil ditempatkan di antara selang pipa dan sebagai gelombang air melalui pipa. Sehingga baling-baling akan menghasilkan listrik yang kemudian dapat langsung mengisi listrik ke kendaraan.

Water Cutter
Water Cutter adalah sebuah mesin yang menyemprotkan air dengan tekanan yang sangat tinggi sehingga dapat digunakan untuk memotong benda-benda keras seperti baja tebal, batu, permata, dll.
Ternyata benda lunak seperti air memiliki banyak kekuatan. Selain yang ditemukan oleh Dr.Masaru Emoto bahwa air mampu merespon kata-kata yang diucapkan manusia, ternyata air juga mempunyai kekuatan yang mampu memotong benda apapun apabila kita tahu cara memanfaatkannya.

Sumber :
kaskus.us / haxims.blogspot.com

ini juga baca di syakasihtahu.com lho, keren banget abisnya jadi pengen disimpen di blog~hehehe

untuk lihat gambarnya klik aja: http://www.sayakasihtahu.com/2010/04/teknologi-canggih-dengan-tenaga-air.html

miss contact

pagi-pagi bangun, ngeliat meja. BERANTAKAN. eh, nggak sengaja nemuin kertas kuning kecil nyempil di bawah buku kecilku (baca: diary) yang sudah lama tidak pernah kutulis lagi. pas dilihat, ternyata sebuah lertas kecil bertuliskan seperti ini:

(awalnya identitas saya lha masa ditulis lagi di sini hehe)




seketika langsung konek, hm, dia adalah 'mantan' sahabatku, tepatnya sahabat penaku. ah, sudah setahun lamanya sepertinya tidak ada kabar darinya. dan aku hanya sempat berkirim surat maupun e-mail sebanyak 3-5 kali (bisa terhitung) tetapi tak tahu mengapa.

akhirnya, aku hanya bisa melihat kertas itu dan tersenyum, meningat bahwa aku PERNAH menjadi temannya :)

wherever you are, I really had a great time talking with you, but somehow I wish this friendship last forever :')

American Top 40 Songs

Heya! Ini ada lagu-lagu barat yang masuk chart 40 lagu di America Top 40 minggu ini.

Just click this and voila :)



The hoax of man-made global warming is being exposed. Recent evidence of the doctoring of data by top climate scientists with political agendas to make it show warming that wasn't there and hide recent cooling is just the tip of the iceberg, one that is not melting as alarmists have been proclaiming. Let's review a few related facts.
Temperatures have always fluctuated naturally on this planet. Looking back over the past 100 years, the earth warmed from 1900 to around 1940. There was global cooling after that until the late 1970s.
It warmed again in the 1980s and 1990s, with that warmth peaking in 1998. There has been no warming since then even as CO2 has increased during the entire period. Eleven straight years of increasing CO2 and we're still cooler than 1998.
As of the 2009 growing season, the U.S. has now gone a record 21 straight years without a widespread drought in the Corn Belt. Soybean yields this year are easily a record. Corn yields were just shy of a record because it was actually too cool in the Upper Midwest. Climate models from man-made warming alarmists have consistently predicted increasing droughts along with yield-reducing excessive heat.
As a meteorologist who understands these models and appreciates our challenge to get the weather forecast right, it has amazed me that the public has been so easily bamboozled into believing the exaggerated 50-year cataclysmic climate forecasts.
Would you keep believing the same weatherman if he was wrong 11 forecasts in a row, then tried to sell you on his "long range" forecasts?
The problem is that the source of these errant forecasts and flawed interpretations are biased scientists, working with leaders of groups with the same thing in mind. Their goal is to have a significant influence on governmental policy as it relates to regulating carbon dioxide. A key element to success has been manipulated data and propaganda.
"Climate change" to "climategate"
Global warming has been twisted into a powerful issue that has attracted millions of loyal followers who believe the "debate is over," as Al Gore stated. Realizing that the warming had stopped after 1998, they even changed the name to "climate change."
"Climategate," as it's now being called, is just evidence of what some of us scientists have known. We have been witnessing an unprecedented, coordinated campaign to prove the theory of Anthropogenic Global Warming and blame greenhouse gases using "whatever works" strategies.
The urgency to pass costly legislation has to do with shoving it through while many still have the illusion that it's worth the hefty cost and that the planet is still warming. Ironically, cap and trade in full force and doing what they claim it will to the earth's temperature would make a difference of only a tenth of 1 degree over the next 50 years. The natural cooling since 1998 is far greater than that.
The 2009 hurricane season was quiet, the third in the last four years to be below preseason forecasts. This, after very active 2004, 2005 and 2008 seasons, shows more evidence of the natural variability. Atlantic basin activity is not determined by global temperatures, but from a natural 25-year cycle.
The sunspot count continues to be at the lowest level in a century. Looking back in the past, there appears to be a strong link between an inactive sun and a cooler earth. The sun is the source of incoming heat on this planet. It has cycles that we haven't been around long enough to study and understand clearly.
We do know with certainty that all of the many temperature fluctuations in the past were caused by natural cycles or events. These natural cycles will continue with or without human beings. That's why temperatures have gone up and down the past 100 years, even while man-made CO2 has gone up every year.
One legitimate C02 link: Plants
The biggest legitimate link involving CO2 is with plants. We know that increasing CO2 increases plant growth and crop yields. CO2 is essential to all life forms on earth. Treating it as pollution is about as absurd as believing we can predict our climate 50 years from now. We also know that the warmer our planet has been in the past, the more life it supported. The most devastating blows to creatures on earth from temperatures came from cold.
Powerful evidence of life doing better because of increased CO2 and warmth comes from digital satellite observations that were processed, refined and compared to changes of satellite-based maps of vegetation collected by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's series of AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) sensors. The digital satellite observations were processed into maps by NASA's Global Inventory Modeling and Mapping Studies project.
The time frame for this comprehensive study is significant. It studied the years of greatest warming this century. The scientists concluded: "Between 1982 and 1999, 25 percent of the Earth's vegetated area experienced increasing plant productivity."
They assumed that "increasing CO2 caused plants to grow better" but "carbon dioxide fertilization couldn't be solely responsible for the change; climate change must be playing a role as well." Part of this was from more sunshine in the tropics and part of the increased plant productivity was from warmer temperatures in the high northern latitudes.
I believe in reducing all forms of real pollution, recycling, conservation and developing renewable energy. I also believe strongly in telling the truth. The truth is that CO2 is not pollution and that man did not cause much of the global warming that occurred in the last 100 years.
Don't believe the cleverly constructed presentations using distorted data from agenda-driven groups. They consider their hidden interests to be more important than the truth. They often use well-intentioned and credible people to help perpetrate the scam. Don't believe them.
We need to hold our policymakers accountable for their decisions, basing them on truth and the best interest of our country and planet. Don't believe me, either. Educate yourself on the subject, verify that everything stated here is the truth, and then believe it.
Mike Maguire is an Evansville meteorologist.

sumber: Hugh Y.